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About Luis

Growing up in a household of limited means, Luis’ family lacked the resources to send him to a four-year college. Like many households of first generation college students, Luis’ family earned slightly above the federal threshold, resulting in no significant financial assistance. This meant neither family finances nor government aid could bridge the gap, and accruing debt wasn’t an option. While working full-time, Luis was able to attend community college and earn his associate degree making him the first in his family to obtain a degree from a higher education institution.

Luis is a community college graduate, an LGBTQ+ activist, renter, union member, and community volunteer with a proven track record of getting things done. 

As an advocate, Luis has organized youth phone banks to help flip the House in 2018, led one of the largest Democratic Clubs in San Francisco, and fought back against Trump-era immigration policy when he served as an Immigrant Rights Commissioner.

Luis currently represents San Francisco as a delegate to the California Democratic Party, chairing the LGBTQ+ Caucus. And during the pandemic, through his work with the Assembly District 17 office and as the VP of the Golden Gate Business Association, Luis helped connect families and businesses with resources to stay afloat during the crisis.

Luis and Kamala Harris at Pride

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Paid for by Luis Zamora for College Board 2024. FPPC # 1468029. Financial disclosures are available at